
Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by delilahweed, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. I'm at home just drank like 12 shots of Smirnoff, and smoked hash and a joint and feel like I'm going to throw up. How do I keep it down?
  2. I'm seriously like fucked up right now
  3. fuck lol, just puke it up and lean back and enjoy your night.
  4. I'm on my way
  5. dont forget the trojans
  6. Don't drink Smirnoff and u won't puke....also don't be a biiitch man upSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. [quote name="BongRips247" post="19356975" timestamp="1389947384"]Don't drink Smirnoff and u won't puke....also don't be a biiitch man upSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum[/quote]Wow such great advice.Just goto sleepSent from my iPad Air
  8. U want to throw it up its your body's way of telling you u drank poison

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  9. Deliah.. how old you are? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  10. hey there deliah
  11. I am so embarrassed for posting this question. I'm 18, please stop asking. Also, I threw up and then partied all over again. ;)
  12. #12 DeathMadeTangible, Jan 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2014
    Next time don't be an alcoholic and drink 12 shots of anything so that when the ambulance or hospital test your blood, they won't think something stupid like "oh there's alcohol in their system, but there's also pot. Must be the pot that sent them here."
  13. Tsk tsk tsk....alcohol.
  14. [quote name="delilahweed" post="19358830" timestamp="1389985803"] I threw up and then partied all over again. ;)[/quote] marry me
  15. You're always up to no good aren't you? Lol first stinking up your parents home and then this, but you learn through experience.

    Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  16. Spin in circlesSent from my SGH-I337M using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  17. [quote name="delilahweed" post="19358830" timestamp="1389985803"]I am so embarrassed for posting this question. I'm 18, please stop asking. Also, I threw up and then partied all over again. ;)[/quote]Puke and rally! You've made space for more.
  18. wow stupid...vomiting is your bodies way of saying its no good! if you need to put ur finger cown ur throat and 12 shots of vidka can be deadly sugeating if the profile pic if you, you looklike ur what 120 130 lbs? if you smoke weed and drink alcohol you can be posined cus normall youd puke it up but since u smoked weed, you can be poisined puking is the way if saying your body dosnt want it in its sytem, listen to ur body dont go against ur bodys rules moral is listen to ur body if it wants to puke theres a reason....
  19. Sounds like a troll

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