Help with working out

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Mr.Burnsalot, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. I don't really want to pay for a gym membership so I was wondering what are good exercises to do at home to get in shape and a little bit cut.

    I have 2 20 pound dumbells.

    Willing to spend a like 20-30 bucks if theres anything I could buy to use like an exercise ball or something idk.
  2. #2 Cali Smokes, Sep 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2009
    Aright well that would be enough to get cut/toned at home if you want a full range of Dbell exercise I would suggest using that 20-30$ on a bench or some heavier weights.

    Heres a full list of exercises to get you started:Dumbbell Exercises Complete with Animated Diagrams

    Dont buy an exerxise ball IMHO those are 50% effective when trying to get some muscle.

    Try doing 100 push ups every other day in sets of 15 or 10, you can do chin-ups, dips, sit-ups, weighted sit-ups and many more. Just search body weight exercises in google for others.
  3. you can make your own doorway chin up bar for 25-30$ with stuff from the home depot

    here is mine:

    a great forum for exercise/ fitness is
  4. hahahaha you know they sell chin up bars at walmart for 15 bucks right??? But plus 1 for creativity !

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