Help with veg room temp, ppm, etc.!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by aawbigslim, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. I am growing using an ebb and flow table, and using the Fox Farm nutes. I started them from seed about a month and a half ago. They are only about 5 inches tall and only on the third set of leaves. Now I was wondering what temps, ppms, etc, that can be used to help speed up the growth process. I do not have a heater in the water or an air stone. Do you think that may help?? Please any suggestions will help.
  2. Temps should be in the mid 70's. Whatever you do don't warm the water. You want that stuff to stay under 70 to keep shit from growing in it like pond scum and algae and whatnot.

    Make sure there's lots of airflow, and keep your light as close as you can w/ out physically burning the plants.

    Now this part I'm not sure about, but I've heard that w/ ebb and flow, if you give it more dry-time, the roots will look for water and thus the plant will grow faster. Again, I don't do ebb and flow, and I'm not sure where I read that, but it seems to make sense. Maybe someone can either correct me or tell me that's right.

    I think after a month and a half you can probably give them a pretty good dose of veg nutes. I'd start w/ half of what it says on the bottle, then work your way up checking the leaf tips to see if they're burning.

    Just keep em alive and growing man. It'll pay off.

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