Help!!! with something

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by flyhighsociety, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. I never seen this before but I put some superdrive on it and it start doing this a week later...just a cap full

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  2. I had that a number of times before and it doesnt look like nute burn or a deficiency to me. My nephews thinks it could be from rapid growth. But I dont think it is from using Superthrive.
  3. uh... simplystop using it... probably simple over fertilizing... whats the NPK on this stuff..
  4. looks mag dif. and maybe a Little over watered. next time if you use it try a foler feed and lights off when and if you do it

  5. Superthive you are supposed to add only one drop per gallon. If you added a capful, that is probably why

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