i have a big bud and a big bud x northern light in week six under a 400 watt hps light. the big bud is 23 inches tall but the big bud x northern light is much taller at 28 inches. they were planted at the same time. does this mean the big bud cross is a male or is it a difference in the strain? is it too early or late or the right time to identify their sex and how do i do that? If the cross is a male do i have to kill it? Thanks in advance
The difference in size doesn't indicate sex. As for sexing the plants, do a search. This is a very common question and has been thoroughly covered. If, after reading previous posts about sexing, you still have a question, ask for clarification. If your cross is a male and you don't want to grow for seeds, kill it.
True that males often grow bigger/faster than females of the exact same strain, but not always and certainly not a basis of comparison across strains. And even with all this true, size might be a hint at sex but is not an indicator per se.
Thanks so much for the help. I now know i have two male plants. How bummed should i be about this? What can i do with the harvest.