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Help with recipe

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by fas11030, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. I'm going to try to make green dragon, except I'm going to also use wormwood and calamus so that I can try to make a cross between green dragon and absinthe. Ive done some research on how to make absinthe (and green dragon) andI have come up with a draft of the recipe that I want to use.
    I would like to know If I'm using the right amount of wormwood, calamus, and cannabis keeping in mind that I would like the effects of the weed to be the most pronounced.


    750 ml Bacardi 151
    1 oz Wormwood
    1/3 oz Calamus
    1 tsp Whole Cloves
    1 tsp Crushed Anise Seeds
    1 tbsn Whole Chamomile flowers
    1/2 oz Cannabis

    -Put ingredients into bottle of Bacardi 151 and allow to age for 3 to 3 1/2 months

    Any input would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!
  2. Your recipe seems to have the right measurements overall. I hope you will post the results.
  3. the main thing im worried about is the amount of weed b/c i dont have that much money to use to get more. So do you think this is enough? would it work with less? Do I need more?
  4. What grade are you using? Schwag, dank, etc?
  5. hahah whatevers the cheapest that i can get a deal on, prob mids or regs, maybe better if im lucky lol
    for each grade of weed, how much do you think is the lowest amount necissary for what Im going for? (keeping in mind that I will be aging it for 3+ months)
  6. In my opinion if you are doing the heating process and then letting it sit then you could perhaps go less however by going down on the amount you are going down on the potency. Do you still plan to bake it first before adding?
  7. I was actually not planning on baking it first.
  8. You could probably get away with less mj if you did bake it first.
  9. I would but im trying to make this at school, and if I cook weed theres a very good chance id get caught.
  10. bump
    please, I still need some help with this
  11. If you are making up your own recipe then the best you can do is just try it. The ingredients seem to be ok, if you intend to let it sit for three months then by all means it should work without baking first. Just give it a try.

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