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Help with plants

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by eddro, May 24, 2010.

  1. Hey GC. Been researching for some time and now on my first grow. I have 1 WW and 1 LSD, each fem under 2 150W HSP. They're 8 weeks old. Now on 12/12 for one week. Soil is FFOF, using FF trio. RO water ph'd. Recently transplanted into 5 gallon buckets. Got one dose of bloom nutes about 3 days ago. Not sure what's going on. Some of the older, bottom/middle leaves (mostly on the LSD, but also some on the WW) are getting yellow/brown and falling off or dying. Posting pics. The white powder is DE (diatomeceous earth). I've been battling some pests munching on my leaves. haven't seen anything new in the last couple days. Cross your fingers for no more bugs. Posting some pics. Any input is appreciated. ed

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  2. THey look pretty damn good, first grow or not.

    I dont see any major issues.

    I might be wrong here, but my girls just lose leaves every once in a while, sometimes some others of them just dont look good. If it's not a plant-wide thing, I wouldnt not stress it.

    If you want you can clip the damaged leaves off and watch for new ones to appear to get damaged. Remember they dont heal themselves so whatever damaged them has already happened.

  3. Yeah, i've noticed that. It just seems like a lot of them are dying and dropping off or just come off very easily. All the newer/top growth seems ok so far. I'm just new to this and don't want to try to correct something and make shit worse. Thanks for checking them out and for the kind words. ed
  4. Give them a chance to get accustomed to their new soil. Yellowing leaves is normal in flowering, but beings they have only been in flower for a week is probably from the transplant....I wouldn't worry unless it escalates throughout the plant.
  5. Thanks for looking and for the comments.

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