I'm thinking about getting a new bong! I currently have a blown 15 inch straight pipe with 2 Percs and an ice catch! It's a pretty nice bong but I want to add to my arsenal! I want to stick with the straight pipe design Cuz I don't like the big triangle bases! What bong brand would you recommend? Which bong would you recommend? Please help me find the right bong! I want a unique bong and something that will get me RIPPED!! I would like to stay around $200, I can go under or over some but $200 for general reference! Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Try cheech glass, and hoss glass, they have some nice pieces and most are pretty cheap, but they do get higher! www.cheechglass.ca www.hossglass.com
Every company listed so far is china glass. I'd suggest Silika, Hvy, WRKD, maybe a smaller SYN, or just going to your local headshops and look around, eventually something's gonna catch your eye, even if it's not what you walked in for. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum