pics of my new kiln: kiln | Flickr - Photo Sharing! kiln2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! there are 3 dials on it, labeled time, temp and estimated firing time. whats the third dial for if the first dial is time? what is the diff? previous owner has the 3 on temp labeled paint and max labeled 'greenware'? what ever that is. what settings do i use for annealing glass and how long? also, can i use this type kiln as a 'glory hole' for glassblowing or do i need an entirely different kiln for that? also, what model is this kiln and where can i get a manual? thanks
cant be used as a glory hole. unless you have some good work stools and you can stand above it. but its to wide for it i think it would just get super hot in the room.
That can not be used as a glory hole. To know what temperature it is you need a type k thermocouple and somthing that can read you that temp, thats how you have to use it and use the dial to crank up the temp to 1040-1050 for an hour or two. The top dial is for the temperature (min-max) and the bottom is for the timer for when it will turn off. Thats not a very good kiln if you are looking to make multi section pieces because you need a space to garage things which that kiln does not have. Its a nice kiln and will anneal your stuff but its going to be very hard to garage stuff. good luck