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help with my new bong please!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by johnkasey, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. bump help please
  2. bottom part - enough to cover your downstem by about 1/4"-1/2"
    percs - enough to cover the slits.

    i believe the higher chamber is a splash guard, which will stop from any water reaching your mouth when you clear it.

    nice piece

  3. /thread
  4. Oh, and treat that thing like a Faberge egg, cause a $55 perc/splashguard combo is NOT sturdy.
  5. first of all, congrats on the nice piece! :) :hello: it's pretty and you got a good deal.
    I have something very similar and if I understand correctly, making sure you have all your slits covered is key. in the percs (chamber things in middle) and in the down stem (glass part that extends into the water). just having enough water to do that is all you need. too much water hinders full smoking potential.

    and the concave glass parts towards the top are used for catching ice. just put a few cubes in there for nice, smooth, cool hits. but beware because ice melts and fucks with water levels if not dealt with.

    hope this helps! enjoy that thing man :smoke:
  6. thanks heaps man ;)
  7. Really nice piece man. Grats on it
  8. Hey JohnKasey. You're getting some good advice here, dude. There's a website that gives info on how to use a tube and other smoking items. Go to GOOGLE, then type prestige pipes use tube. I would also add my opinion about using steel screens. They are cheap and will keep your herb from being sucked into the water chamber. It also helps burn your herb quickly and evenly. When I got my HiSi tube from prestige, they gave me free screens. In the HOW TO USE section, they have instructions and pics on how to use screens. It's really informative. I hope it helps you.

    Enjoy your glass and take good care of it!

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