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help with marijuana card in colorado

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by bigbongtokin, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. I am askiing for information to get a Medical Card for Crohn's Disease in Colorado. here are some details to help with info.

    My brother is the one that is looking to get a Medical Card. My little brother 16 and has been diagnosed with severe Crohn's Disease when he was 11. he has been on everything from prednisone to remicade with no help from any. Last year when he was 15 i introduced him to marijuana, ever since he has started to smoke recreationally he has had barely any symptoms with the exception of diarrhea. He has talked to our mother about applying for a card and she has agreed to help. So the information i have been looking for is:

    Can a minor be reccomended marijuana for medical reasons? i.e. Crohn's Disease
    is there anyone that could recomend a doctor to see?
    Is Crohn's Disease a legitimate disease to be recommened medical marijuana?
    How hard is it to get recomended for a medical card in colorado?

    Any info is greatly appreciated. I know that there are many minors on this site and it is against the rules to have an account on this website, but i am not a minor, i am 19.

  2. 1.) Yes a minor can have a card with medical proof and a parents signiture.
    2.) Any G.I Doctor I would say with given proof of treatments not working would allow MMJ ( I know this being a Chrones patient).
    3.) Yes this is one of the diseases they take seriously.
    4.) The state is an MMJ state, my guess is it would be fairly easy, also, I hope he has insurance. It's also a $110 dollar fee for the ID request in CO.

    I plan to move to CO in november, in which I'll have my card. So i've done some research myself.
  3. Here ya go :
  4. isnt marijuana legal in denver?
  5. Decrimlized not legal. And DEA could still get you. Or a ticket at least

    I want to move to Colorado so bad. I really want medical bud :)

    Does ADD and OCD maybe bipolar count as for Medical card?

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