Help with leaves!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by bmansouri, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Hey guys. So, some of the leaves on my plants are curling and getting brown like this:



    But this is what they look like overall:


    Is there anything else I should be doing? Also, how should I be pruning the plants?
  2. looks good so far, probally lil nute burn doesnt look to bad tho, maybe cut the dose back a bit on the next water, what kinda lights and nutes you using?
  3. I finally got the CFL's I ordered, now I'm using a 105w CFL. I actually haven't been using any nutrients. I've been thinking about the Fox Farm Trio, but it's kind of pricey. Not sure what else to use.
  4. try giving it some nutes, could be lack of nutes in the soil and the plants hungry tho dont quote me im not entirly sure
  5. Give it some nutes, when a plant isn't getting enough nutrition leaves will start curling and turning yellow. Mind you they do the same thing when they get TO MUCH nutrients but since you haven't been using any this isn't a problem.
    Basically its not getting any food so it can't maintain all its leaves suffenciently.
    How long into the grow are you?
  6. Awesome, thanks man! Yeah, I just ordered the Fox Farm trio last night. The nutes should be here in a few days.

    I've had these about a month now. I got them for Christmas as little plants that were already in veg state. They've grown a ton though.
  7. Yeah they do that. Wait till you flower them :eek:

    Sorry took so long to reply. Some street worker thought it'd be amusing to pull down the phone lines and thus, the internet. Still not fully functional yet.

    Let me know how it works out

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