Okay guys so my friend recently ordered two of the Micro G Herbal vape pens and he gave me one of them. I used it last night and it worked very well, however it went dead and displayed the red light on the button. Since the pens only came with one charger my friend kept the other one. So then I read on the Internet you can make a charger by stripping a USB cable and using the red and black wires to charge your pen and so I did that and my pen immediately charged somehow. After that I used it a couple more times and then, it went dead shortly after. Then I plugged the red and black wires into it again to charge it and all of a sudden the lights went off on the button. Now I'm stuck with a vape pen that doesn't light up or anything. Now what I'm thinking is that I used a charger with too high/too low of a voltage and it caused the vaporizer to shut off. I really hope I can fix it because I have no other way to buy a new pen. My friend said he would let me borrow his charger Monday (he's out of town) and I really hope that would work. What do you guys think? I just got this pen a few days ago and I don't want it to go to waste already.
Sounds like you tryed playing engineer and ended up surging the fuck out of it lol. Why would you start stripping wires instead of just getting a charger? I think its pretty much done for. I'd try and see if theres any warranty attached to it. Dont tell them you played engineer though. Just say the lights went out and when they came back on the pen stopped working, that way they'll assume it was a surge.