help with growing

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Futureman58, Sep 29, 2010.

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    growing these 2 plants, anyone know what they are? looked like this for a week when do i pick them? how long and how do i cure
  2. sounds like your about to jack some plants
  3. kinda sounds that way....huh
  4. for someone who has come that far into the grow ... u sure are asking some noob questions.
  5. This is also his first post on GC.
    Kind of suspicious eh?
  6. They sure are some sweet looking buds, especially the purp. Hope nobody is about to get ripped.:mad:
  7. please dont steal those plants ,,you would of posted a long time ago if they were yours,,us newbies ask questions the whole grow not right at harvest,,im sure whosever plants they are they will hook you up for free,,my friends all share and so do i so you dont have to steal
  8. ya dude dont be a duche and jack some one elses babys!Weed is not worth getting hurt over!

  9. Ha well I should go to a medical forum because I'm a medical patient, I guess scumbags on here wanna call a person with cancer doing some diy a thief. Well I planted them at the beginning of spring in my backyard one is cheese I bought the seed the other (purple)is from a medical 8th that a bought, when totally organic on it in my backyard and I was wondering when to pluck them but I'll ask a local dispensary. And everyone on here who thinks I'm a thief I just hope you have the privlidge to explain yourself to god.

  10. hmmmmm
  11. well ill never post here again, this should be called with community, being from cali you expect respect as a patient, im just dont like people calling me a croook when this is meds im out
  12. it is easy to assume you are a thief. you came on here knowing absolutely nothing and asked questions that you can find all in one spot.

    I mean i stepped away from this page for about 2 seconds to find that. one thing GC doesnt like. is when noobs come in asking questions that we have researched. We understand here at GC times when you can't find an answer. But your questions are just to easy to find.

  13. ya well you sound pretty shady thats all!And anyone can type up a good story!
  14. Dont you put THAT evil on me ricky bobby!
  15. hahahaha.
  16. dont scare me with God and judgement day ive done alot worse than crack on a ripper/cancer/marijuana patient
  17. you ripp their shit they can do what ever they want to you ie beat you to a pool:hello:
    you got no balls you only got a pussy people who grow got balls and are men rippers are pussys

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