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help with brownies

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by austyn12, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. i want to only make 1 edible how would i do that?

  2. im trying nothing online really
  3. firecracker=weed+peanut butter+heat+cracker theirs this great new invention called google that can give you the details. just search for pot fircracker
  4. i was in mood for a brownie
  5. [quote name='"austyn12"']

    i was in mood for a brownie[/quote]

    Then google instructions on how to make a marijuana brownie, duh

  6. yeah but i dont want a whole batch just one i know you can. people have done it before
  7. not to be a prick but some common sense would be to just make brownies the normal way, but on a much smaller scale..
  8. yeah i dont know what i was thinking.
  9. Just make it smaller scale...

    Get a muffin tin spray it oil or butter
    Take a couple table spoons of brownie mix at a time, add cannaoil and a little bit of egg and stir til homogeneous.
    Add it to the muffin Tin and bake it at 350F for 15-20 min maybe a lil longer using the toothpick trick

    Let it cool and you're good to go

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