HELP with AC within Tent - Closed System.

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by kainnine, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Hello,

    I have been using in the past a 5x5 tent closed system with CO2 and a window ac. I cut the tent to where the outside of the AC is located outside of the tent with the front of the AC sealed inside the tent. This way I am not losing CO2 and exhausting the heat from the AC to outside of the tent.

    My question is 3 parted. I am looking into setting up a new tent system but I am interested in the portable 2 hose, intake/exhaust, AC systems.

    1. I wanted to know if the intake hose on the portables brings in outside air into the tent or is the intake used to cool off the AC?
    2. Does the exhaust hose take the CO2 out of the room?
    3. Most of the AC units have digital controls, so once put on a timer all the settings are erased, any ideas to bypass this issue but yet keep the AC on the timer. My current AC is a dial control. (Old School)

    Any input would be appreciated.
  2. im sorry i dont have an answer.... i just needed to post so i can hopefully obtain the answer to your ????... sorry again

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