help with a chipped spoon.

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by justin_annis420, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. i bought a spoon for a great price but it is chipped at the mouthpiece. the chip is about 1/3 of an inch. i was wondering if there was any way i could mauke my spoon look a little better? maybe grinding it down or something. i just dont want to harm the spoon. help please!

  2. Just buy your shit new. You can get a nice spoon for about $20. I'm sure you did get it for a great price, but $20 isn't exactly breaking the bank.
  3. yeah but im broke right now, which is why i bought the spoon in the first place.
  4. Ah, well that was just my two cents. Save up $20 it won't take that long man, I mean come on, that's what, two hours of work for a bowl that will *hopefully* last you a year+? Good investment if yaa ask me!
  5. my friend had a similar problem. it was solved after about a half hour of rubbing it against a brick.
  6. My friend chipped some of his mouthpiece off, works just fine. We named it Chip =]
  7. i would just use it broken to you have enough for a nice pipe every time i brake a pipe i usually just glue it back together till i buy a new one.

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