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Help what should i do?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ganja1123, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. So I am incredibly high right now. ridiculously happy. im in heaven. but i need to sleep cuz i have a big ass test in like 7 hours but im too happy and energetic to remain stationary.
  2. There's really not much you can do. If you have some Indica weed then smoke that and get a nice, relaxing body high to lull you to sleep. Other than that, just lie in bed and hope you can fall asleep.

    What made you think it was a good idea to smoke the nigh before a big test? Usually when I have something important coming up, I put down the weed and pick up the textbook
  3. well school is a joke and im like smart as hell and i got my shit together. i could ace it right now but dont wanna be tired tommorow.

  4. happens to me all the time. just get comfy, watch some tv and relax. also try eating some food
  5. Honest my friend , its all mind over matter. Right now your in the hyper zone , just easily could be in the " wana pass out " zone lol. I always ( before I go to sleep) , clear my mind , relax, and sing Lucy In The Sky With Dimonds , and picture the lyrics in your head , create it as if were real. Just clear your mind and relax.

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