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help weed tastes like strawberry?question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bakerskater_, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. hey so one time I had weed that tasted like strawberry and anothertime like mint. I was wondering how do they make it taste like other things. I heard of putting orange peels in the bag don't know if it works. so dose anyone know how to make it taste like other stuff like blueberry or sumthing?
  2. well you can buy tasty puff tabacco sprays. other then that i have no idea unless the strain already has the flavor
  3. ive done the whole orange peel thing... it makes it have a hint of it but nothing too overpowering... i accidentally sprayed my bowl with some airfreshiner (apple cinamin) and my bud tasted kinda liek apple cinnamin but more of jus nasty ass airfreshiner
  4. hahaha ive done that too. im not sure what scent it was tho all i remember was bein like. oh damn this cant be good for my lungs... ironic right?
  5. This is a never ending possibility. Have you thought of water curing your bud and put some orange extract in it or what ever you want, I've even seen one of my mates water cure a bud to go redish and another blueish.. use your imagination. if you have some herbage to play with experiment.

    If not just enjoy the flavour of your herbage.

    I love doing this shit

    The Duck.
  6. Tasty puff is THE WORST, mark my words, WORST 'tobacco' product EVER marketed.

    Shit taste straight up like chemicals...

  7. If you keep your green in an freshly empty altoids can for about 5-6 hours it takes on the minty flavor. To me I prefer minting my weed (a few springs of fresh mint in with my bag) makes it smell and taste kind of pine like which is amazing!

    Personally I wouldn't suggest Tasty puffs spray as it can be extremely over powering and you don't want to ruin the signature taste of your grass, you want to "Add" to it, not really alter it! Again of course this is just my personal opinion. Experiment! there is much you can do in the ways of changing flavors of your grass.

    As for strawberry hmm, wouldn't know about that. I'm deathly allergic to the things and avoid even the sent of them as it upsets my tummy (same with vanilla, smells horrible!)

  8. allergic to strawberrys wtf .. that sux

  9. so how would i go about doing this? i only know abot cring with a mason jar . plus i saw sum straight purple buds on this site in picture post is that wat they did?
  10. i kept my bud in a mason jar that used to have apple butter in it, and it smelled and tasted like apple butter it was pretty cool haha
  11. I dropped my bowl in orange juice once when I was blazed... Next burn though the first 3 hits I took hinted of orange which was pretty cool but I was sober though so it wasn't as mind blowing as it would've been if I were high. And this dealer that used to go to my school back in the day would put little tiny shavings of strawberry incense (sp) in his bud and it would actually taste and smell like strawberries which made it ideal for burning in the house.
  12. I love tasty puffs now that i have a few I like.

    We had to experiment with a few of the tasty puffs to find one that worked best for us. I think the sprays may last longer, I actually buy the drops myself.

    They aren't that bad to use, there were just so many that the first few that I tried, I didn't like. I went through a little part of my stash before I even found one I liked.

    But for the most part, once I found the ones I liked of the 30 or so there were at my buds store Kublnick's, I finally have a few that are once in a while are good to smoke for a change.

    I particuarly prefer the blueberry thrill or the Ghetto Grape ones. But the strawberry was good too, I am just not into strawberrry lol. :smoke:

    NE1 have any favorites or suggestions to try?

    Take Care!:p:p
    Happy Tokin'!:p:p
    Keep Fighting the Good Fight!:p:p

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