Help wanted . Looking for something like the hdvape or a water pipe based vape.

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Elwayish, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. Been a glass bubbler/pipe guy mostly all my life , break out the ice catching "water pipe" every so often and I think I want to have the option to vape as well...

    I've smoked a pretty good while and would get some mental ease out of a "healthier" way to smoke.

    For starters I do not want a vape that plugs into the wall or has parts that go bad so scratch off all the boxes and whatnot...

    I would like something either hand held or water pipe mounted...

    Looked into the vape genie glass and I'm just not sure about those heat blocking little things in them... So I guess not it unless someone can talk me into that being safe.

    And I looking into the Herbal Innovations - Eclipse Vape 20 , but I'm just not sure about it for a couple reasons even the GonG one has metal on it , and I read those little vile things it uses break all the time so I don't think I want it.

    In a perfect world I would be able to find something JUST like the HDvape but I just can't seem to. If you know something like it please speak up.

    But I'm down to just buying me a new "water pipe" and one of those vapeocanes and just at least having something... Even if I just end up using the nice water pipe alone mostly.

    But if anyone knows something like what I'm talking about that I'm just missing or not knowing about please help... I'm about to just go to my local shop and buy a new "wiper pipe" and give up... But would really like some kinda lighter/torch powered vape if that's possible .

    I live in the U.S. so keep that in mind also and I have no idea on how hard it is to buy this crap online yet I'm 36yo and just never bought from anything but my local shops... and all they have like what I want is the wood vape genie and the vape20 thing.

    But any help would be greatly appreciated.

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