help stunted growth

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by christinal, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. Hey all i have 2 plants and one is not growing or growing very slow. They look very beautiful but the one is now shorter. I want the light to be 2 inches from both plants but its now 4 inches. My box inside was painted all white. And they get same nutes. I only use molasses which it seems its helping. I have decided to grow them 3 1/2 feet tall and top them. But my issue is one will not be 3 1/2 inches. Please help. Sorry if this all sounds confusng.
  2. Bump. Need help badly
  3. could be a short plant also dont water too much and more lights 23w cfls are great
  4. The "genes" of that particular plant may keeping it from growing fast
  5. Yea, even with quality genetics you will get different phenos that can grow slower, grow differently, and react differently to feeding and watering schedules. There always seems to be a runt.
  6. To keep the canopy even just raise the shorter plant up on a stand so it is around the same height as the other.
    Some plants will not grow evenly whether they are the same strain as eachother. It just sounds like one is going to be the better mother plant of the two.

  7. This is what I did when I tried growing with low powered bulbs like CFL and floro's ,, It sounds like your not doing anything wrong, its just the plant wanting to take its time

    When using HID lighting, its not really as important, unless the taller plant is taking away from the small plant fully benefiting from the light

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