Help staying awake.

Discussion in 'General' started by hihog, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Every couple of nights me and girlfriend smoke together, we usually smoke a bowl a night to save the weed, this way we can save a half ounce for about 3 months and it still gets us pretty baked every time we do smoke(about 3 times a week).

    I can stay awake on one bowl from 9 PM until 2 or 3 AM then pass out, but she always gets tired at 10:30 and goes to sleep at 11 or 12. We have been smoking this frequently for about 7 months now. Any tips to get her to stay awake?

    Some more info- we are both 18 and hang out my house, and my mom does not like smoking so we are confined to my room, also it is hella cold here so can't go outside.

    Please help me grasscity!!!
  2. Caffeine and sex.
  3. Every time she falls asleep throw a bucket of ice cold water on her face. That'll teach her.
  4. Caffeine and sex is the best bet; but if youre not into one of the two, or both of them id suggest playing video games or something.

    Watching a movie when I get baked with people usually ends up with people falling asleep relatively quickly.

    bottom line, do something active... video games or sex. you chose,
  5. Thanks guys, great suggestions. One more question. If we smoke about an ounce every 6 months and smoke 3-4 times a week and only one bowl each time, how long until our tolerance goes up?
  6. Stick it in her :smoke:
  7. Quoted for the truth

  8. You tell us?
  9. anyone said caffeine pills?
  10. It all depends on what quality of bud your smoking and your metabolism. For example the wife has ALOT lower tolerance than me and also has the same issue as your girlfriend staying awake.

    The solution for us? Besides sex and entertainment (keep moving...) obviously is a more active high with earlier harvested bud or sativa over indica when smoking. Wife smoked some EARLY ass bud samples and was up as long as me one night (which in itself is amazing).

    Good luck.. and move out and get your own place so your not confined to a room. Always going to be faced with the her house her rules. It's the same in my house with my children.
  11. how is playing video games being "active"?
  12. In the sense that it's not just sitting around talking/laying in bed.

    And have you ever played video games at night? Shit gets intense man, gotta find the right game for you and you'll be hooked, especially when high:wave:

    But...of course sex is more active then videogames, but if she isnt feelin it, then videogames are the next best bet:D
  13. CAFFINE AND SEX ! righttttt. :p

    I would recommend to try eating some fruit before you smoke and drink water. It should give you some energy and keep you awake, while also keeping your blood sugar high for a smooth experience :smoke: Maybe try doing something with your girl outside of your house...
  14. I got my wife into Forza and the kids have a kinect which turns into a DRUNK/HIGH game when they are asleep or when people are over.

    It keeps them moving to keep them awake. Because if you guys are doing it right then after sex she will be passed out from exhaustion. [​IMG]
  15. Zombies and a 5hr energy. That always keeps Me up until about 2 am..
  16. slap that bitch:devious: that should keep her from falling asleep.
  17. Some weed just does that to you.. I have bud right now called Kyrptonite that's a very heavy indica and about 4 or 5 hours after smoking I'll almost always need to take a nap.
  18. Thanks so much guys! I am gonna try all these tonight!
  19. Sex from dusk til dawn.

    Do it. Do it.

  20. if you can't stay up for 48 hours, youre mentally weak

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