Help start a Chapter of NORML in Pittsburgh, PA!!!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by BentPerception, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. If you or anybody you know are interested in helping me found and maintain a legitamate Chapter of NORML in Pittsburgh, PA please post something here or contact me on Myspace: email search or search my Myspace URL:, send a friend request and a message w/ your friend request so that I will aknowledge your friend request.... my profile is currently set to private as to ward off unwanted traffic! I look forward to hearing from anybody serious and passionate about the cause to help Legalize Cannabis/Hemp for Medical/Indeustrial/and possible recreational use!!!! :D
  2. Good luck man, that's awesome that you're doing this!!! :D

    +rep for taking the initiative :hello:


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