Help-Somethings wrong

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Weedsanecessity, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. This is a bagseed, somethings wrong with it. I'm thinking its mag def, or could be ph burn. My ph goes up about 0.5 a day, I bring it down to 5.8 every day. I think its cause of my nutes. I started using an airstone, It's not possible that that could be bringing my ph up is it?
    I'm pretty sure this is mag def, if so how do you treat it? I heard some epsom salt does the trick. Would some regular table salt work? And how much?
    Here are some pics, let me know your opinion.
    Untitled 204.jpg

    Attached Files:

  2. looks like the start of Mg or K deficiencies, in the first pic the leaf with the curled tip is it curling up or down?
    where is it yellowing between veins or at the leaf margins?

    do not use table salt to treat a deficiency, epsion salt is magnesium sulfate, thats y its used to treat a Mg deficiency
  3. pH will naturally raise, water want to return to its neutral state.
    unless there is a buffer to keep it stable, and eventually that buffer will break down.
  4. flush immediately,3x water to pot size
  5. flush with what? what would he do after the flush?
    that grow plug is an inert medium (hydroponics), and can be fixed with out flushing.
    the only time to flush is to fix a salt build up. (and when finishing)
    to fix a pH imbalance, or lock out, u would only need to water enough till the run offs pH is is the same as what u are watering with,
    if its a deficiency due to lower EC then u will only have to up the EC/ppm, and water till run off matches, adequate EC/ppm that is being feed,
  6. There not so much yellow, but brown spots. And they aren't curling at all, possibly a little upwards, but barely. I'm almost positive this is mag def, cause I have had ph burn and nute burn before and neither seem to have the same symptoms. Your rite, could be K also. Not sure, so how do you recommend me going about this?

    I already flushed it 4 days ago. Lol flushing is not always the answer. This is aeroponics too dude.
  7. with Mg deficiency the first thing u will see is little "rust" spots (i see some there), then yellowing, then leaf tips and margins start to curl up.

    a potassium deficiency, u will see spotting or necrosis like what u have, then leaf margens yellowing, and tips curling down.

    best thing to do is change the food, up the ppm a little, 50-100 and keep the pH at 5.8

    do u monitor ur EC in the rez? are u using tap or purified water?
    what is ur ppm at?

  8. Sounds like I got mg def. I'm kind of on a low budget so I don't have a ppm meter or EC. What is EC exactly, this is the first I'm hearing of it. I use purified, and I always keep my ph at 5.8.

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