Help Shashawndras dyyingggg

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by xmayhemx, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. #1 xmayhemx, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    Two days ago my plant shashawndra started to look a lazy and wilt. Shes under a 1000 watt hps with three other girls, being fed grow tec three part nuts, temp a warmmm 82 f lights on and 77 off. I flushed the water yesterday hoping it would do the trick but this morning she seems to be doing WORSE. all new growth is clawing and turning lighter greeeen fast.:cry:
    They are almost 4 weeks into flowering. and all the other plants are doing great. One the same strain and one kushx

    heres some pics

    and they are in soil, ph 5.6.....low right? could low ph cause this, and how can i fix quickly!!

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  2. is that the ph of your runoff if so it should be fine maybe raise it slightly to 6
  3. nooo its the ph of the top soil....ill go check the run off. seems to be the same 5.5 but i did just flush it yesterday. all my other plants are the same tho so its strange to me that shes the only one doing to horribly. i took cuttings off the other plants and they are all doing well! im tempted to prune her deadish leaves. most are still soft but not lively at all. alot of the fan leaves are starting to dry out tho....

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