my baby is only 14 days old and the first set of textured leaves have white spots on them!! i dunno what its from or how to fix it please help thanks!
Symptoms Larger leaves turning yellow - smaller leaves still green. Older leaves will curl at edges, turn dark, possibly with a purple cast. Mature leaves develop a yellowish cast to least veinal areas. Mature leaves turn yellow and then become spotted with edge areas turning dark gray. Cracked stems, no healthy support tissue. Small wrinkled leaves with yellowish vein systems. Young leaves become deformed, possibly yellowing. PROBABLE CURE Nitrogen deficiency - add nitrate of soda or organic fertilizer. Phosphorous deficiency - add commercial phosphate. Magnesium deficiency - add commercial fertilizer with a magnesium content. Potassium deficiency - add muriate of potash. Boron deficiency - add any plant food containing boron. Zinc deficiency - add commercial plant food containing zinc. Molybedum deficiency - use any plant food with a bit of molydbenum in it. Got it from a site. hope it helps.
that doesnt really help im using nutes already could it be the fact that my light is only 24 watts? im getting come cfls asap but would that be the cause of it?
im rather new to growing. I do know that if the light is too far away it could cause problems for your plants. IT could be they are to low or not enough wattage per light.
being to far away is not the problem because it have it decently close like 3 or so inches from plant but only one of my plants are experiencing this problem the smaller one looks fine but i dont want it to do the same thing i just need some tips on keeping it from spottng and yellowing
im sure someone more experainced will ocmment on it. did you check the pH? jsut throwing things out there.
i think i figured out the problem i think its from over nitrating it but if thats so i need to know if flushing it and going back to regular water will stop any further spotting or yellowing... i guess ill find out soon enough :/
dang good luck man. Ive see a few guides for sick plants. just look around on the forums. Best of luck to you
Yeah I'm thinking nute burn too. What kind of soil are you using? Hot soils are the number one reason this happens to seedlings. Also, never feed a plant less than 3 weeks old. Seedlings are higly succeptible to burn.