I have a 3 foot triple tree perc bong. and after all the smoke I've put through it has made it nasty. I need some way to get this piece clean so I can enjoy it again. I have a tub I can use was thinking maybe of soaking it. Any help I can get will be awesome thanks!
I know how to use the salt and alcohol formula. it's just with the piece being so large(almost 4 foot) and having three peculator chambers.
Isopropyl and sea salt. You're gonna have to shake it a lot, and for a long time. But it will be worth it.
This is exactly why I always advise against tall tubes. Thats a HUGE piece you've got! The best thing would be to get a cleaning plug and buy at least a gallon of Simple Green. Let it soak for a day or two. Rinse well. You can use alcohol+salt to supplement that before or after or both! You said its really nasty so I cant say exactly. But my ultimate advice is to get a much smaller bong next time. In general, and IMO, the tallest bong you would want is 18". Even I prefer much shorter. You dont see very many high end tubes that exceed two feet. most are usually around 18" good luck