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Help, please.

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Imnew, Mar 5, 2023.

  1. Can someone help me identify what deficiency is going on with this plant?
    I started in solo cups with promix hp. Then transplanted into 1 gallon fabric pot with ffof soil. The one in the back is the same age and was transplanted at the time and she looks fine. 20230305_131226.jpg 20230305_131205.jpg
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  2. Growing diff plants in the same area? or are all cannabis?
  3. Everything else is all different pepper plants.
  4. ph is out of whack is my guess
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  5. Yah I just checked It's 7.7. I will ph down next time I water. Never had this problem last year so never checked. Once they get moved out they only get stored rainwater.
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  6. every species is gonna have it's own issues/pests/diseases. bringing them all into the same space????????
  7. are you feeding the plants in fox farm ocean forest or just water
  8. Just water.
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  9. look like over feeding for me. why you add all this perlite?
  10. keep a check on your ph of your water it is probally hard
    the ocean forest should be good for a couple more weeks at the least before you need to feed
  11. Have only watered no nutrition. It's only a thin layer. I'm very new to all this it's only my 2nd grow. Was told it helps with pests. If I need to remove it can be easily done if it's causing a problem.
  12. I always recommend adding 30% perlite to any ffof mix add even more it you intend to feed nutes later

    these can still be saved

    good luck
  13. it makes much needed air in the soil, and deletes nute burn once mixed in ..but not yet
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  14. how much you water? everyday
  15. I did add perlite to my ffof. Not quite 30% though
  16. I water every 5 days or so. 400ml
  17. you gotta mix it in,
    many growers use only FFOF for their full grow no nutes nothing, its so they can reuse again on the next grow but adding only half a bag to top it up,
    tho I confess I like to remind them to spray at least some calmag and flower(P-K) at the flip
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  18. I did mix it in. What you see on top is just a thin layer. I was told it helps with pests. These will be moved outside in May. I will most likely pot up to 3 gallons before they go to their forever home. If I can get it to survive. Hoping its just a ph problem.
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  19. in my opinion need more water don't let the soil dry completely. fabric pot dry faster than plastic

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