Hey guys I'm Bein dumb and have gone through all my books and am sick of looking for my self.... Soo, if your positive you have an idea what this could be... Then please post!!! Alright heres the sitch... I have three 10 gallon rubbermaids.... welcome to view my grow in my sig... But i have my ppms on this sensi star at about 5-600 ppms and I thought it was a Mg def. So I gave it some epsom salt in spray form... here are pics of my blue berry and sensi star suffering.. Please help if pos. and Thanks in advanvce.. Maybe they are burnt from the GH???? Oh also I just painted the top of the lids black so that could have had a poisonous effect I suppose???
Maybe your roots need more oxygen. How often do you change out the solution in the tubs? H2O2 would help if that's the case and probably wouldn't hurt either way. If that works Try and air stone/air pump. Peace
Hey bro - few things. First, STOP FOILAR FEEDING. Not sure why people ever use this method except they feel helpless and just WANT the plant to start growing better.... usually, this method causes more problems than solutions. When you spray the leaves and the light is on you first risk burn points...where droplets of water act as a magnifying glass to the light and thus you get burnt spots. If you think your lady needs Cal/Mag - add some to her rez. But first I would check the pH... the plant just appears to be experiencing a simple lockout issue with nutrients already present in the rez. It's rare that a plant will actually need Cal/Mag while it's in veg (this usually shows up in flowering).... so you probably just have a simple pH issue with it being out of the 5.8-6.0 zone.... give it a check.
You also need to be using RO water with 0 (or very close to 0) PPM to grow hydro using the Lucas formula. Do check your pH like Klutter said and get more O2 in the water.
i agree with this post except for the foliar feeding advice. foliar is a great way to get nutes or other things to your plants. op left out important info. ph, rez temps. etc. pics are bad too, but i'd make sure my ph was up to snuff.