HELP PLEASE!! In-Outdoor seeds question!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Zelda_Toker, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Ok there is is this deal going on at amsterdam seeds and I was considering it, 30 white widow seeds for all togther 102 usd, BUT the thing is I am only an outdorrs grower, and I wanted to know if its cool to grow an indoor climated plant outside?
    Any help would be great.
  2. ....every plant is an outdoor plant, when a company labels a plant "indoor" all it really means is that it works well indoors because it produces larger amounts of bud in smaller indoor locations. now these are all very loose terms as i have seen indoor plants grown outdoors that were huge (search oldpork white widow here on GC)
    there biggest thing that should influence your decision is your climate, do you live in a place where the frost is late enough for the plant to finish budding? do you receive a lot of rain where you live, especially during the fall months? do you experience weather extremes where you live? (i.e. very hot, hurricanes, rapid temperature swings)
    if you could answer those questions i could give you a better idea but i'm guessing you could do it, i was considering it but i live up north where the frost comes early and our options are very limited.
  3. Well actually I live in a low mountanious region, where in the summer it gets to be very hot, but it's definetly no desert. It's a very dry heat, but there is a lot of shade where need be, but the rain has been very heavy this year abnormal to usual, so I'm sure the summer will be much milder than normal. Also the frost is very late here, it would be fine until mid november if I wanted it to be.

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