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Help Please Help A Young Toker

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by HighImMadi, May 22, 2013.

  1. Ok so I have this bong that like swirls in the middle like in 3 seperate parts to where if something were to fall through the downstem it would be forever stuck.. Well the original downstem broke so I used a different one but that failed miserably and fell thru the hole (I was drunk dont judge) and now it's stuck & it's affecting my smoking. I've tried getting it out with tweezers but had no luck. I really really like this bong & I'm broke & don't want to buy a new one. Can anyone think of a solution ?? Thanks stoners:)
  2. turn it upside down? shake it till it comes out....that didnt sound right but thats ur best betor you might have to try to breat the other down stem to smaller pieces in order to remove it idk but good luck i really hope you can fix this lil problem
  3. How old are you OP?
    Did this happen at a high school party?
  4. #4 DopeGame, May 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2013
  5. post pics, 
  6. if you don't have $10 to put towards even a new chillum
    you probably shouldn't be smoking weed/buying weed................ period
    your mom wont give you $20?
    damn kids
  7. I can't believe the stoners on this site are always so hostile. It's a bong and she would rather fix the problem than throw money at a new one.. What is wrong with that in any way?

    Op it's hard to guess what it looks like, some pictures might bring up some more ideas on how to get it out. Something rubber or sticky on the tweezers (or needle nose pliers) might give you better grip on the stem.
  8. pictures please im lost... sorry im high :smoke:
  9. Maybe run a bunch of water through the bong with the most pressure possible and hope it can carry some of the glass out....could try it with a hose, would probably help with one of the attachments that can make it spray harder
  10. pics. mail the bong to me, ill get it out lol :smoking:
  11. She said "young toker", not underage toker...
    It's not her fault that this rent is too damn high! 
  13. This is gonna depend on a few things.  Is it glass?  If so, that's good, so you can see the downstem when you try to get it out.  Second thing is how big the downstem is.  And what angle is the downstem at?
    If it's a small one, you can try to hook it out with a paperclip.  Straighten it out and make a little bend at the end.  Try to stick it through the hole of the downstem and pull it out.
    I know one way you might be able to do it.  I'll post a video because it's hard to explain in words, but here's a video of someone doing the thing with a cork stuck in a bottle.  Different problem, same concept.

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