HELP!! Plant burning

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by willieb1989, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Ok my plant is 2 weeks old and everyone told me to stop watering it every day and this is what happends leaf turns yellow and turns down. how do i fix this? its about 6-7 inchs from the light so it shouldnt be that.

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  2. what type of soil is it of your water..any nutes yet:smoke:should water about every three want to let the soil dry out some between watering so the roots grow searchin' for water
  3. The soild is a off brand organic soil I got from home depot. And no nuts yet. And I'm using spring water at room temp.
  4. let it dry a bit and next watering i would hit it with nutes at 25%..its gettin' its roots under it....a bit slow....but its ok..what kinda lights and how far away...whats the ph of your spring water:smoke:
  5. What u mean nuts at 25% and not positive on Ph. What should it be? And they are helogen. Bought it in a kit. And lights are another 6-7in away.
  6. 1/4 the reccommended dose of nutes to start....and build up slowly if the plants do well...know nothing about halogen lites except their soil ph shoud be about 6.6 to 7.0...:smoke:do you know the correct way to water with nutes.....if it is...take your tap water...let it sit out overnight to evaporate any chlorine.......add nutes to water to 6.6...water..when your plant is well watered..i water till water runs out the bottom of the pot for about 15 seconds..this flushes any harmful salts from root ball.....then pick up the plant and get a feel for its weight...then in the future pick up the plant and you can tell when it needs water...

    one of my skunks at 4 week


    topped last week


    good interbranching

  7. Ok the nuts I have says it doesn't need water. So should I water it down a bit then? And when I let the water sit out over nite do I put the nuts in it to, to let it sit out over night? I appreciate all the help .
  8. I beg to differ:

    - Water when your soil gets a bit dried out and pay no attention to how much time is in between waterings. Every plant is different -- once every 3 days could be too often or too infrequent. For a baby sprout in a little pot I find that every other day is how it works out, but your soil and plant will tell you when.

    - Shouldn't feed at all until it's at least 2 weeks old, and then yes start at 1/4 strength.
  9. It gets really dried out if I don't water it every day. Is it to early to move my plant to a bigger pot.?
  10. i watered my plant yesturday and its dry to the bone again today. what do i do? and plant is still turning and burnt like i posted in the first thread.
  11. BUMP someone please answer my last couple questions.
  12. need to scrap this op now! Do some damn reading and start again. You need better lighting, you don't even know the basics
  13. hey dude i think the reason you have to water it so much is, first the little pete pot its in or whatever its called, is absorbing the water from the soil constantly and its drying out fast,(i had same problem with those paper style pots, use plastic pot). second dont use the halogen lights, they get too hot, thats not helping the watering situation. use some CFL's Compact fluorescent lamps, they work good and dont get very hot. but make sure your plant is as close to the light as it can get or else your plant will stretch and not be able to support itself. try all that out.

  14. Sorry willie but I have to tally agree with BD... from what you are asking you have no clue of what you are doing.... if you continue like that it doesn't matter what people will tell you you'll still be confused and do the wrong thing... if you do not know what we mean by saying "use 25% nute strenght" then take a break..... read the cannabis bible and start again..... then you'll be able to ask questions and get satisfactory and understandable answers.... I'm facing my first grow myself but I read and asked questions for 3 months before starting my grow..... Guess what, it's going smooth.... good luck anyway, you can learn the hard way too if you decide but it will be painfull:smoke:
  15. i do have the CFL's Compact fluorescent lamps, and i moved my plant out of the paper thing and into a pot. and starved it of a little water and its back to normal.
  16. you did this before or after reading my reply
  17. after. i looked at my plant today after transplanting it 2 days ago and it got bigger and leafs are back to normal green. I put in a little grow nuts when i transplanted it and 2 days later its all good now. Thanks for all the help everyone.

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