I’ve been using the Yocan evolve plus to vape wax and shatter the last year. I find the smoke pretty harsh on my lungs, I’m really active and want the healthiest way to vape that won’t hurt my lungs. What would you recommend?
Taking into account that some concentrates can be more harsher than others, Yocan has been a solid choice but I would suggest, if you want something less harsh (and not running it through water) try and find something with a smaller coil. (Like the boundless terp pen) Or one that can be controlled by temperature (low temp dabbing tends to be smoother) Or you can pretty much stick to carts.
A water cooled dab rig would be the best but I can’t really carry that discretely. What concentrates are the least harsh generally ?
Wish I could help ya there. I am more of a flower guy, but from personal experiences, poor quality concentrates just tend to be a bit more harsh.
Well purged concentrates. Unfortunately, a good purge requires time and/or fancy equipment. I see tons of retail hash that is just total unpurged trash. I make my own BHO and find my evolve XL plus smooth. Im no doctor but health wise, if I were buying retail, I'd say just get a pax or similar device and vape flower. BHO isnt hard to make but requires patience and focus that many retailer lack. You can try a ceramic donut or quartz bowl but in the end I think the concentrate matters more. One other option is the Pax oven. I have one. Flavor is top notch and smooth but it take a long time to heat up and drains the battery fast AF.
I use the same pen. Hard to beat. For instance I just ordered a xl and it came and the battery wasn't working worth a crap so instead of sending it back I just ordered a new battery for $15 you going to do that with a $300 mod? Sent from my SM-G935T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
But I mean geez you can order a 5-pack of coils and caps for under $40 Sent from my SM-G935T using Grasscity Forum mobile app