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HELP not sure whats happening to new growth leaves

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by japdeep96, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. Please help growing 3 plants and the new growth is all wrinkly and slightly tacoing.
    Grown under bestva 2000w in 4x4 tent [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

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  2. If you're referring to the leaves curling down or up its either too much water or too much nutrients .
    The tocoing is light related , raise your light its too warm
    That bestva 2000w is actually 390w draw

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  3. Number 1 your over watering, number 2 check your ph, number 3 make sure your light isnt too close, dark green and droop indicates to much water, serrated leaves indicate ph issue, also droop is caused by light being to close

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  4. The tacoing is likely too much light. I'm a new grower so don't know much, but I've used the "hold hand right above plant for 30 seconds and if the light is too strong for you it's too strong for your plants" OK.
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  5. How can i fix ph issue ?

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