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Help! Noob here....

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Nicotinegum, Dec 11, 2022.

  1. I need a lot of help.

    My Seedlings have been thru hell and back, and somehow I've managed to keep them alive thru all my mistakes til now, but one has a terrible issue and I can't confirm what's causing it.

    About half My plants have a similar defect but none as severe as this one. The others are seemingly recovering from my previous discressions.

    Thoughts plz

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  2. What is your medium?
  3. Coco…?
    Let my buddy Mick give you the low down.
    All yours @MickFoster :bolt:
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  4. Yes it is coco Loco. I'm no soil connoisseur.

    Struggles I'm having....
    My seedlings had floppy stems... I germinated them in happy frog, and overwatered them.
    Seeing the cause of the problem, I gave them a while to dry out, and most started standing up straight.
    Last week I transplanted them into 5 gallon pots with coco Loco. The soil was dry and I expect that some went into shock from the transplant. I moved them into new tent, and went from t5 to 480 watt leds. Coupled with the rough handling of the transplant... the stems started turning red on a lot of my plants.
    My rookie self bought an ink bird humidity controller so I could automate humidity levels, but it's not compatible with the digital interface on my humidifier and dehumidifier... so I've been trying to monitor humidity by hand and it's prone to swings .
    The first day after the transplant I made an adjustment on the light timer by leaving the light on an extra 9 hours to adjust for overheating from lights being on during hot hours.... the temp is the only thing that's relatively stable.
    What can I do better lol
  5. I grow in coco but I have no experience with Coco's not just has other stuff in it.
    I wouldn't want to give you wrong information. Sorry but I can't help.
  6. You haven't fed them have you? And how close are your lights?
  7. I haven't fed them yet, I'm waiting on my noots to get here tuesday.... they are definitely begging for nitrogen tho. My lights are hung as high as they will go, and I decreased the intensity to about 2/3 power thinking it could be stressed with the change in intensity
  8. I have watered them but I wait until the soil is pretty dry. Humidity is average about 40rh but I can't seem to get it much higher.
  9. They don't need nitrogen, it looks like nute burn, but if you haven't given them any additional food it seems strange to have that issue.
  10. Never done Coco myself, but it needs lots of water and nuts typically as far as I have seen. Hard to tell from just one pic, but that could be the issue.
  11. Coco loco is amended with all sorts of nutrients, unlike regular coco, from my understanding, you can go quite a few weeks without adding additional nutrients. You may want to check the ph, as that can also cause deficiencies.
  12. Soil is much more lenient with ph, but coco is very picky.. those are my guesses, good luck!

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