HELP!!!!!!!!! no sprouts yet??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by kaplow420, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. #1 kaplow420, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    planted in red dixie cups,
    Germinated seeds, seed case broke.. planted in fox farm ocean forest a week ago just about 1 inch down. temp is 78-83 degrees, the lights are 2 100watt(23 actualy used) 6,500k daylight, about 3 inches away from top of soil, i water when the top soil and a little under the surface is almost completely dry. white glossy walls and air purifier blowing in at bottom and a exhaust on top. good air flow.... but i have no sprouts yet its been little over a week! is this normal? am i doing something wrong? im keeping the lights on all the time also... when they sprout do i do 18 hours on 6 hours off?
  2. Sounds like everything is okay... Mine didn't take nearly as long, so I don't know. Patience my man.
  3. ok thanks, i thought maybe i was too hot, or wat not watering enough/to much thanks :)
  4. I plant a 1/4 inch down after I actually see the root and I usually have sprouts in 3-5 days.

    You might have planted a bit deep and before they were fully germinated, so more patience required. ;)
  5. ok thanks for the advise, if i can do it carefully would it be better for the overall health of the plant if i take the seed and put it a little closer or should i just wait it out?

  6. No wait it out, I just sprouted my first plants as well, its very hard to be patient but its worth it :)
  7. i have had seeds take 2 full weeks to break soil sometimes. just wait it out.
  8. ok sweet thanks for the advise:hello:
  9. Toke a bowl, it will fix the prob. :smoke::smoke:
  10. already did haha
  11. How long was the tap root when you planted them? If you planted soon as the seed cracked you may have some issues. Its good to always wait until the tap root looks like a tail. Once it hits the dirt it starts searching for water immediately. If the seed was only cracked with no "tail" from tap root you may have an issue, but can only wait it out now. It may make it but take some time or or may not.
  12. PS, you really dont need much light until they breach the surface or the soil.
  13. I don't know if you are hot or not, you need more patience.
  14. here ya guys go, it came up finally. well one of them did

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