help needed

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by tilburryxyz, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. ö!

    i have 4 plants 2 of them 6 other 2 5 weeks old everythings going fine they are getting bigger but the leafes are gettin yellow
    they are in coco
    under 5 energy saver thing=500 w
    i try to post some pics

    thank you for help

    they are northern lights haze

    Attached Files:

  2. Have you fertilized them yet? If so with what, NPK, how much and when?
  3. only one drop in a half liter bottle from the begining in each 2-3 days for them
    ive been told this is okay
    is this shit really okay?
    thanks for reply!
  4. Have you checked to ensure the pH level of both the soil and water you're using are in the acceptable range of 5.8 - 6.2? If the pH levels are out of range, the root system will bind up and not take up the food you are using.

    I would do this to try and correct the problem let the soil dry out a bit if recently watered. Then flush the soil with 3 to 4 gallons of pure water a pH level adjusted to 6 and ensure that the soil drains. Let the plants go for 5 to 6 days so the soil starts to dry up again. After that, start the feeding cycle again. Whatever the type of food you are using happens to be read the mixing directions and follow them to the letter. Feed the plants once every other watering. Also when you mix the food and water solution, balance the pH levels after the mixing is done.<O:p
    Best of luck with your grow.

    RTH <O:p
  5. Well correct ph in soil is between 6.2-6.8. Definitely check ph to make sure it is in range. Second your fert was fine but, giving it to them from the start was a mistake. This might have fert burned them. Do a soil flush, check the ph, and then don't fertilize fore a week. If problem slows down it was over fert, if it continues it is N deficient.
  6. magnesium deficieny,my opionon,use epsom salt 1 tbsp gallon of water and use it for watering or 1/2 tbsp per qaurt for foliar feeding,good luck.

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