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Help Needed Please - Light Bleached Plant??

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by s0cK3y3, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. I think I have plants that got light bleached however I am not 100%. I have also entertained pH fluctuation or over nutrients and lightly flushed all plants. Then I ran across this webpage which indicates "Light Bleaching" from getting too many lumens I think, and it looks like a pretty close match to what mine looks like. (scroll almost to the very bottom of the first post to see picture)

    Here is a picture of my plant. My main camera ran out of batteries so I had to use my cellphone, sorry in advance.


    Does this ruin my chances of getting a good end result? I have moved the light to about 9-10 inches. I have an aircooled canopy (see picture below) and thought I could get the plants closer with it. Please advise :rolleyes:


    Also, what are the side effects of having "Light Bleached" leaves? Nutrient lockout? Stunted growth? Nutrient deficiency? Please let me know
  2. that could very well be light bleaching, of which there is no ill affects, just raise the lights 5-8 inches to see if that stops it you mist your plants?

    I would also complete a soil runoff test just to be certain there is no ph issues
  3. Right now the lights are 9-10inches from the top, are you saying to increase it another 5-8inches?

    I did a soil runoff test on all our plants yesterday and got it to 6.0-6.5 pH and added light hydrogen peroxide to the last application. Yes I do mist my plants due to the crazy low humidity at 5% usually. I dont have dry leaves though, so I am am bit confused. My 39"x39"x76" Hydrohut runs fairly hot at 87 max so I have to mist the leaves a few times a day. I have not corrected the pH on foliar applications except for the last few days.

    I am new to all of this and am trying to be a sponge and learn is much as I can. Thank you so much for taking time to help dude. I see you help alot of peeps on these forums.
  4. misting really multiplies the odds in the lite burns if you must mist do it while the lights are off, you will get a humidity bump by putting a wet towel in front of your fans

    however if your soil growing...... 6.0ph is enough to begin to cause spotting

    flush with 6.7ph till you get 6.7ph runoff to be safe

    what kind of lites are you using, if there flouros leave them where they are
    if HPS or MH raise the lites to 12-18" it really depends on the wattage you have

  5. I am using a 400w HPS under an aircooled canopy being cooled by a 80cfm inline fine. Also have a 147cfm canfan with carbon filter pushing out the top. I have two small fans - one inside near the floor facing upwards...and the second is right outside a ducting hole (an inch from the hole) blowing cool air inside. Other than that I have no other ventilation. I am working on hot-out and cool-in at the window but have yet to find something to attach the ducting to that fits in my window. As a quickfix I have a window fan that actually has two fans. One exhausts air (near the aircooled canopy exhaust and the other one is blowing in (near the aircooled canopy intake)

    By the way those pictures are from today. Today the plants will be on their 14th day of flowering. Care to comment on their health (or not) progress??
  6. sockeye...I just looked at your pix. I see no light bleaching. I've used 400s(both).You can get within inches. Just check daily. I've ladies grow into the light commiting cola suiside. (cut btrnt off and smoked)

    What are all the spots? I've seen white flies do that. And near the bottom it looks like thirp scaling.

    GG is right about humidity. You need to raise. Temp should not exceed 85. I prefer 75 daytime 60 at night. (budders) 82 day/ 77 night (veg) and a constant 90 in clone room. (I've walk)
  7. I agree with 420.
    This can't be light bleaching for some of the lower leaves appear to be affect as well.
    Can you get us a close up of a affected leave?
    Check for bugs in the meantime.

    Good luck!
  8. Here is a picture of the site that shows light burn on a plant. None of it's upper leaves have the light burn. Only the bottom ones are burned. Please see picture


    This picture is what light bleaching/ light burn looks like.
    Only way to fix this is to Move the lights away from the plant!
    Or make sure you dont go over 75 watts a sq foot, or your plant will have to much light and light bleaching can occur anywhere on the plant. (indica species seem to bleach easier than sativas imo.)
  9. looks like more bad advice featuring mut and jeff!!!
  10. [quote name='s0cK3y3']Here is a picture of the site that shows light burn on a plant. None of it's upper leaves have the light burn. Only the bottom ones are burned. Please see picture

    View attachment 79226

    This picture is what light bleaching/ light burn looks like.

    burn alright. About two weeks after it got burnt.

    Meaning it grew.

    mutt or jeff...

    I wanna be jeff!

    ric your starting to become a troll? Get off my toes, or pay.
  11. Im confused. These guys give out bad advice on purpose? I see someone complaining about them in a thread....can anyone explain? I am new here
  12. yes, they seem to be giving bogus advise on, unfortunatley, got caught in the middle like many others whom now have no one to go to for advice...GG doesn't play here anymore...luckily you posted at night, this 420 guy, some chick named kiara, and some urgr8testfear ass hole guy seem to be in can use your ignore posts feature so they cannot reply to your Q's...other members will help you just beware of those 3....i had to wake up to put light on my vegging plant so i'm up....goodmorning...ric

  13. sockeye...did you find out the pix of light burn was indeed burn. But it was old and that's the reason it's in middle of plant surrounded by green. Plants grow past burns just as in your pix.

    what you have is not light burn. go to another site and ask.

    Go to


    or google one.

  14. s0cK3y3 thank you for asking, i'd be confused too.

    420 & i are a couple, we have been growing many yrs,& are new to the city. we only offer advise on things we've experienced. if we dont know something we'll admit it. we dont swear our suggestions to be gospil truth, cause things work diff for every grower.

    we offered a diff opinion & have since been ridiculed for our opinions. *shrugs* guess i'm saying, feel free to make up your own mind to our intentions.
  15. dude, what i posted was from - I copied the picture and the description of light burn to show you that the coloring looks identical - It clearly says the discoloring is light burn.

  16. Go back to ic and ASK them how long after the light burn did they wait to take pix. !1day? 5days? 1O days?

    I'll say it 1 more time OP pix are not light burn.

    Your icmag pix(were I told you to go back to) is light burn on a plant that had been burnt at least a week earlier than pic.
  17. Tell me why you state the my OP is not light burn. You have stated that it isnt light burn, however you leave no clear cut answer why you state that.

    It matches the last picture I posted to a tee. Do I need to place both photos next to eachother for you to see that? They are exactly the same coloring or bleaching.
  18. It's the distribution pattern of the white spots on the leave which make me doubt that it's lightburn.
    Normally with lightburn you'd get zebra striped leaves.
    In your case they are not full stripes but more like spots here and there.
    Also, the damage is not only at the top of the plant, where lightburn would occur first but also lower at the bottom of the plant.
    Some of the leaves at the top aren't even affected.
    This is weird for lightburn, since any within a certain radius of the bulb should have burned.

    So to put it in a few words ; unequal distribution pattern of damage.
  19. Ok I see that actually. THey are more blotchy than stripes. Hmmmm let me take another pic and hopefully it will help a bit. Thanks for hanging in there with me on this.

  20. urg8....or fear? what should I use when addressing you? I think you and I are brethren in the same parade to OG the world.

    Sockeye...I hope fears(i likeeit) explanation helps. I want givd up on ya guy. I love the weed no matter who grows her.


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