i was trying to find a product that u blow into it and its like a filter and when u blow into it it traps all the weed smell does sny one know what the name of it is?
Read this, VERY VERY VERY helpful from what I have heard... (Supposedly, it totally eliminates EVERY stink smell and VERY cheap too! ($30 or so) Worth a try for sure. http://forum.grasscity.com/grow-room-design-setup/144976-perfect-odour-neutralizer.html
Wrong thread I agree. But I always used a toilet paper roll and a few dryer sheets. But let's stick to growing eh?
yah, stuff a paper towel roll with scented toilet paper and dryer sheets. I have used that in dorm rooms with a vape, and with a hooka, worked wonders.
Like home boi said FABREEZE works wonders, There are tons of air fresheners out on the market, but the best i really feel works is LYSOL air fresh... spray. Theres diff kinds, but lysol is made and meant to kill odors!