Help...My cat attacked my Plant

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by nunia720, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. please help....I am not sure if I am even doing this right..anyways, I am attempting a first grow-DWC- I used shure-2-grow cubes with one seed from some killer. It sprouted and had 1 set of leaves with a little one right below it. Anyways, my cat attacked said set up and now all I have left is a stem with no leaves!!! Can I put the stem in a sure to grow cube and start again??? Any and all replys would be more than appreciated
  2. lol

    i would stick the cat into one of the cubes and try to grow it.
  3. So I take that as a I cannot revive my little buddy?
  4. If some of the seed and root system is present still, than yes.
    But if you're just trying to stick a stem into the cube than your results aren't going to very good at all, in other words, I wouldn't bother- just start another seed.

    And eat the cat.

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