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Help! Moist Weed!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ProSmoker0, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. My weed is sort of moist.. Heres some background info. I got a half oz 3 weeks ago and puffed on it for a week, i have about 8 grams left. Well unfortuanately i learned i am getting a drug test in a week and a half.

    So my 8 grams of blue dream (privately grown) has been sitting in my mason jar for 2 weeks. I salivate over it every day haha but i noticed it has gotten very dry and brittle so i put an orange peel in there but forgot about it until about 30 hours later. I immediately took it out and the buds are very moist. I put some in my grinder and it would not break very easily.

    What can i do to make it more dry and perfect? It is not moldy and only around 3/4 of the bud is moist. I currently have it sitting in a dark place in my mason jar. Should i keep it out in the open? Put it in a baggie? Any help would be appreciated! thanks. blaze on blades :smoking:
  2. anybody? please. Im desperate! haha :eek:
  3. put a couple small pieces of paper in with the bag and let it sit. should draw out some moisture.
  4. This


    You could try and putting it in a bag. Leave it in light so the moisture will be drawn. The reason why the mason jar isn't helping because it keeps moisture in.
    Good Luck.
  5. If you want to dry it out now then you should let it sit in a "well-sealed" wooden box for a around a day. Besides letting it dry without over-drying, it can leave a nice smell and sometimes even a gentle taste on your weed :)
    I picked up a half-eighth of Baby Dro once to see how good the guys grow was and it was still a little moist. After a day in my awesome cedar box I had some nice to puff on :D

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