help mixing soil

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by redeyes, May 8, 2012.

  1. #1 redeyes, May 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2012
    i am begining to mix my first organic soil recipe and was looking for opinions. these recipes are based off of lumperdawgz genius...

    basic mix
    2.8 cuft sunshine organic mix
    1 cuft humus mix (equal parts compost, EWC, and ancient forest humus)
    1 cuft pumice

    i wanted to use down to earth ferts...
    bio-live mix (fishbone,fish,shrimp,crab,alfalfa,kelp meals,langbeinite,humates,fungi,bacteria)
    vegan mix (soybean,alfalfa, kelp meals,azomite,rock phosphate,langbeinite,greensand,humates)
    neem seed meal
    oyster shell

    i just need help with the quantities in ratio to the basic mix.

    i was gonna use a AACT tea in beginning of veg and flower...
    1 cup alfalfa meal
    .5 cup alaska humus
    1 cup EWC
    2 tbs kelp meal
    .5 cup fish enzyme
    .5 tsp bio-ag TM-7
    2 tbs molasses or blue agave nectar

    then alternate between water and tea
    chopped plant material (comfrey,dandelion,yarrow,nettle)
    dyna gro pro-tekt
    kelp meal
    neem seed meal

    im still working on a recipe and schedule for foliar feeding any suggestions would be appreciated.:smoke:
  2. Nice... but you should be able to source those materials cheaper than DTE's brand... Their markup can be avoided by finding your local farm/feed shop... and I don't have the reason, but regular old fish meal may get the job done better than bio-fish...

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