Help me..?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by BurninBowls, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Hey, I used to grow plants a few years ago, and am now starting again..

    my problem:

    I have planted probably 10 germenated seeds over the last month, (indoors) under my old lizzards light (The tank their in stays at about 75 degrees) and I always make sure the dirts very moist.

    None of them grew, and they all came out with the same resault after digging them up.

    a limp brownish whitish root...

    And in some of the pots I didn't even find evidence that a germanated seed was even in it. (which I knew there was)

    Anyone know whats going on?
    -My guess would be the light?
  2. ya man it sounds like the light is the problem.... u sould get a few more seeds and germinate them again and put them in there own seperith pot... a small cup works well. and go buy a couple cfl to get them to sprout they sould sprout anytime from 1 day to a week at most. id recoment the 65 watt cfl to hang over they top otf the plants and get a few more 40 watt cfl for the sides try that and tell me how it goes for ya...
    good luck
  3. Thanks man, will do. :D

    Any soil recommendations?
  4. #4 RustyJay, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    The light shouldn't affect a seeds sprouting my guess is the soil you used. But a reptile sun light definitely wont grow ya weed. I have read that people use the uv bulbs for supplemental light though.
    As for soil if ya can find a hydro shop they can hook ya up with something nice. I use Happy Frog but you have tons of choices.
  5. Throw the seeds on a cup of water and check every day for tap root.

    As soon as it's 1/4" long, take the seed out of the cup, with care, and plant it root downwards in some nice soil.


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