My dad is part of a church called Christian Science Christian Science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia My mom is Catholic Her parents are Jewish/Catholic. I have tried to talk to my dad multiple times about his religion, and every time it ends in an argument. My dad is in his 60's. I'm 18. I know he has more experience in the world and is more wise, however, every discussion makes me think he is closed minded, generalizes groups of people, jumps to conclusions, and that his religion is straight false, and everything about it is all based on assumptions and is false. I keep getting into this heated mood, where I want to explode, because it angers me so much, I feel like I'm showing 1+1=2 and somebody just can't understand it, and I must be missing something, because my dad is extremely brilliant, and has some of the best morals i've ever seen someone have, and remains calm in the most difficult of situations but I can't understand religion at all. They used to tell me when I was a kid that Alcohol, Drugs of any sort, and Caffeine were all against my religion. However, Jesus turned water into wine, and nowhere does it state that Caffeine is against our religion. I also showed him areas in the bible where it says that no woman should ever have power over a man, and such incidents and he said "well you have to pick and choose parts of the bible that you agree with because their sensible" THEN IT'S NOT YOUR RELIGION. All that he is doing is coming up with his rules and choosing sections of the bible that go along with it. Plus, in the past, slavery was tolerated, women never had power over their husbands, homosexuality was majorly frowned upon, and so on, and now we don't have slavery, women have equal rights, homosexuality is tolerated by a lot bigger percentage of people. Because the world woke the fuck up, and realized that we aren't living in the stone ages. The same people that wrote the bible, didn't have indoor plumbing, didn't have AC, didn't have McDonalds, didn't have stable houses...ect. But we have learnt that back then, they didn't know anything else, so why should we base our life on focusing over a book that does not show any physical proof of god. If you are religious and you think I'm stupid and you can prove everything that I said wrong, or want to show me the light, PLEASE DO IT. I want to be proven wrong. I want to see how I'm mistaken. I want more insight about religion than the people that go to my church. Sorry if I offended anyone seriously, this was partially a rant. I still love religious people <3 I just think differently.
I'm just trying to get some explanation. I've cooled off a bit. Gonna smoke a bowl and completely relax.
Yeah, it took me a few minutes to realize that while trying to state how my dad is closed minded I was being more closed minded and jumping to conclusions. I need to smoke a bowl and ponder my thoughts. Peace. Be back soon!
I think the poster who said, you need to just live your life, is right in this instance for you. You seem really riled up about the whole topic, and want questions answered that really you should only hunt the answers down for yourself, and if you can't find answers, maybe there aren't any. Why bother yourself so much with it, why worry be happy i know it sounds korny, but why be so stressed about it all. Just live your life, try and be happy and be good to your fellow bro....if religion is meant to happen for you, you will find it someday. I don't get all the people on GC and there are ALOT of them, who are so insistant on starting up the religion or God threads, and want proof, and questions answered so badly. Most are argumentative, and actually do know more of the bible than alot of believers do, like they been scouring it for answers at times. I am a believer, but I really do think it's more about spirituality and faith than about facts or the bible, or whatever book each religion seems to follow. It's definitely not a science. Peace bro...
I think religion is a crutch for those who can't make their own morals. But in the bible, some pretty scary stuff went down so that's part of the reason i think it's BS. I'd rather believe in karma than god.
You certainly have a good grasp of religion, now would be a good time to advance your understanding by studing more about the history of freethought. You may also enjoy the writings of Robert G. Ingersoll: Robert Green Ingersoll
Dude, Im not even going to read your entire post. You want help with religion? Then get the fuck AWAY from religion. Seek your own answers. The mind will never be satisfied with any answer, ESPECIALLY not one that came from outside of you.
Slavery was tolerated, but it doesn't give the masters the right to abuse and treat the slaves miserly. Women were made for man to keep them company, and were to be submissive. Who sticks their dick in a mans ass? That's unnatural, lol. And the bible says, you aren't to use sorcery, which is taking drugs, caffeine is a drug. That could also be implied to inventionism. Where as things are tampered with unnaturally to create unnatural things. Some things were needed though, like a sword, to fight off killer animals. I think all of the bible is true, and you are supposed to take it as a whole, organizing it in your head as you read it, some parts are history, some parts are laws, some parts are philosophy. Some parts need deep explanation, but that is what help is for, but so many damn people are confused, who can help? lol. I used to watch the Shepherds Chapel, and I agree with half of what the dudes said, but I thought they were somewhat judgmental and contradictive. I believe you are supposed to do everything in its part, it is usually your choice to use the philosophy. Christ said the law is still in effect, part of the law is to get rid of and destroy evil, even killing murderers and rapists. But He also said to forgive, and to turn the other cheek. But it is usually the people's choice to make the wisest decision. Killing murderers means you prevent people from wanting to murder. But suffering unrighteously means you will get rewarded in Heaven and even sometimes on earth. Christ says you have no right to judge another man, but judgment is sometimes needed so you don't get screwed over and taken advantage of. It is usually your choice on what would be the wisest action to take. I personally believe that killing is necessary to clean the scum off the earth. I also believe if you judge you will be judged the same way right back, no ones perfect, but i find myself judging accidentally anyways because people are just so damn intangible and confused. But all in all, the overall message of the Bible, is to do things right, so things would go right. And that, to love, is the purpose of existence.
And another thing. Things are meant for the spirit, which are spiritual. Things were meant for the flesh, because they were fleshly. But in practice, judging causes bad karma to the spirit. But if you pass judgment so as to wipe the scum off the earth, that is good karma. Keeping it to the basics: a positive times a positive equals a positive; a positive times a negative equals a negative; and a negative times a negative equals a positive. Like killing murderers makes the world a happier place.