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Help Me With My First Vape... (Pic)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by technoaddict, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 technoaddict, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    Hey everyone:wave:

    This is my first post on this forum, but have read many threads already when I needed information on some topics.. Just wanna say you guys are great :smoke:

    But I have a problem, I bought a portable vape from my local headshop, and since I was low on cash, I bought this one a somewhat crappy one

    I tried it out yesterday with some good dank and it didn't do anything! BTW its a vape that uses a lighter to heat up the tip just enough to work. I know the herb is good cause when I roll J's it does a great job.

    Has anyone ever used this thing before? I've tried holding the flame both close and far (half inch) from the tip... What am I doing wrong?:confused:


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  2. RE: Forgot to mention that I was using a regular Bic lighter, I heard that blue flame torches might work better?
  3. hey, well Im pretty knew to vapes, but with the one you are describing, you NEED a torch style. If you use a regular one, it will not heat up the metal enough to vape the weed. Go buy a decent quality, refillable torch lightER and u should be fine. (buy the refill too)

    I was gonna buy that kind, but a friend showed me his Magic Flight Launch Box, that thing is awesome. I just ordered it of ebay for $95. The thing is so simple (and over priced... but oh well) but works perfect. It uses rechargeable batteries and is the size of a match box. And it got me high as fuck, very quickly.

  4. I dont believe the mflb is over priced at all, it delivers the same high a 200+ dollar vape would. Your paying for their inventive ability, not the materials used to make the product lol. And it has a life time warranty, which is worth the 100 bucks in the first place

  5. I hear you man, I couldn't find it at my shop and the price is too steep for me right now. I was actually going to get that if I was able to find it somewhat cheaper, maybe I'll wait 'till summer (when I start working more hours) or something.

    Is it safe to have the torch flame "enter the opening" of the vape? (For lack of better words)

    Or do I keep it like a half inch away, and how long should it "heat up" before I should draw?

    p.s. the ppl at the shop were total newbs when I was asking these questions, they were all giving me different answers... :rolleyes:

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