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Help me smoke

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RiceyEs, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Guys the second worst thing to not having weed.. Running out of lighter fluid and not having a bday candle to light. And Im in my room living with parents
  2. Use stovetop if you have a gas stove. If not use toaster to light flame on something to keep lit like a candle or piece of paper. :smoking:
  3. [quote name='"Potencies"']Use stovetop if you have a gas stove. If not usde toaster to light flame on something to keep lit like a candle or piece of paper. :smoking:[/quote]

    I wish I had a kitchen in my room. I have to do this in my room cause I'm with my parents
  4. go buy a lighter
  5. matches idk what u have in ur house DOOD, try a barbecue lighter most households shud have 1
  6. put a piece of paper on a light bulb till it ignites?
  7. Just don't smoke and go buy a lighter tomorrow.

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