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Help me settle my debate

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Adan, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. So at the moment im set to get a 1/4 for about 45 of some REAL good beasterz(sp?) and i
    plan to roll some joints with most of what i get


    I get an 1/8 for about 25 of the beasterz(sp?) and then buy a G of some ak47/sour diesel for 30/g (i know our prices are really high here)

    Which one do you guys think? I was planning to use most of this for a party on Monday but if i get the ak47/sour diesel that would be my personal j :smoke:
  2. I'd get the quarter for 45. Should never pay $30 for a g damn that's expensive.
  3. yea it is lol we usually only get mids around here and when we get dank/kush its expensive its sucks pretty bad
  4. Get the quarter and make some BHO out of an 8th
  5. #6 Anubis578, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018

  6. winner winner chicken dinner
  7. ^^This.

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