HELP ME!!!!! Revolution is upon us

Discussion in 'General' started by nogods, Apr 8, 2008.

  1. :smoking:I know this is nothing new but I'm starting a revolution for Legalization! serious Everyone has to start saving their seeds... growing season is near. So everyone basically start plants everywhere, literally. The cop station, random flowerbeds, the mall you name it and you can plant it. Even when you are in the middle of any big city or nowhere, find your inner green thumb. The point is so everyone finds the plants,then everyone will finally realize that they can not stop something that is natural. Just carry a few seeds, every now and then drop a few and poor a little water, then presto! a life is born. If you want just start planting in random corn fields too...Every square mile should have at least 300 plants somewhere. PLANT EVERYWHERE!!!!!! I am being dead serious, I believe if enough people will do this, it can lead to a nationwide thing.... possibly if it gets big enough, marijuana will basically be free.:hello:

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