went to water outdoor plants tonite leaves are being fesassted on and i know its grasshoppers and leafhoppers how do i get rid of em
second recipie is better if they persist or its rainy weather Steep 4 garlic cloves in 1 litre of boiled water for 24 hours. Strain. Do not dilute add 5-8 drops of dishsoap. Spray on plants Steep 4-5 cloves of chopped garlic in 20 ml of vegetable oil for 24 hours. Add 1 litre of water and 10 ml of liquid dish soap. Strain. Spray on plants every 4 or 5 days. undersides of leaves in particular
ok i got some today but its raining so i cant use it till tomorrow. thanx, ill let you know how it goes!
I had the same problem as you what I do is but 5-10 cigarette buts in a spray bottle(hairspary bottle eg.)Let it sit overnight. The next mornin MIST the plant with it. Them little bastards will die of nicotine poisoning.
vznillaman1 I too have used the tobacco in the past as a pesticide, but you MUST boil the water and let the ciggs steep in the boiling water, this is necessary to kill the pathogens in the tobacco tobacco has its own disease, actually called the "tobacco disease" this pathogen can be transmitted to other plants with your method
thanx but no thanx. theres no way im using poison on my plants. I may be a newbie, but I do know that spraying anything other than water on your plants can clog stomata and hinder growth. i like to use naturl products when it comes to foliar sprays, it washes off easier if need be.