Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by hanfprinz, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. GCC-

    have a problem with my plants, since two days i have been seeing these spots on my babies and now they are getting worse. The plants are about 11 days old now and its weird.
    Kalashnikova and Big Bang.
    Quick facts:
    400W MH light, 18in away, 6in inline fan, carbon scrubber, humidifier, 78-82 F, reg fan, 24/0 light

    I am thankful for anything!

    Attached Files:

  2. #2 buddogmutt, Dec 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2011
    possible nute burn...are you misting? what kind of soil..dont say miracle grow!!!
  3. nothing wrong with miracle gro you just have to leech it right...but it DOES look like a soil issue. what size pot is that? and that soil looks like some "quick rooting" stuff i seen before. the reason i ask is that one of the problems i found with that stuff was that the plants would get rootbound faster than they should in smaller pots/solo cups
  4. well, i started them in jiffy pallets and then into 5 gallon that the less transplanting, the better...yes, i do have a cool mist humidifier.... the brand of the earth is organic grow, picked up in home depot...
  5. do I have to be worried though? is there anything i can do?
  6. it looks like when you fertilize some of it gets on the leaves and then it burns away under the light leaving that behind - the 2 leaves that are touching the dirt look to have this problem

    when you water after spray the plant with clean water to rinse off anything that is on there
  7. couple things...soil on leafs as stated..also if the mist isnt drying fast enough the water drops act as a magnifying glass and will burn leaves..its definitly a burn..just gotta figure out which if not both...more then likely...soil...but its better to consider all...and sorry miracle grow isnt ideal or even good.. in my sucks for bud!!!.sorry bro...the fact you, as you put it "have to leech it RIGHT" ...proves if you leech it wrong...its not made for many soils are now a days what stress and potentialy damage the plant....
  8. so, i have not fertilized at all yet, and now i am happy that i did not put them in miracle grow. i wasn't starting to fertilize for at least another 10 days as i've read that you should be very careful in the beginning.
    but i have a fan going and maybe every once i a while, the leaves touch the ground. The burn marks from the light make sense too, shall i put the light a little bit higher?
  9. could these spots also come from a PH issue?
    I use RO water and from my understanding, I should add nutrients right away? Am i wrong with this?
  10. Looks like a heat issue. If u look at the old grow looks like the edges are starting to show signs of heat stress(edges bend inwards).. Could be wrong but try giving more cooler air. Also I use distilled water for seedlings and water out the machines when older some advice: when u do add nutes start at half strength then gradually build it up.... Happy growing and good luck..
  11. my heat is at 82 pretty consistent. but for sure, i will try to keep on giving cooler air for the next couple of days...
    do you think i should cut those leaves off?
  12. no dont cut else will you know if its healing....? 82 is at the cusp of okay...beyond 85 issues...77-78 is not in my opinion..stem discoloration sighns of ph being off...

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